Chairman’s Message
Education Methodology
The B.Tech Program
Program Structure

Icfaitech-Icthalon’08’The B.Tech. Program and Branches
The B.Tech. Program of IcfaiTech is a 4-year full-time campus-based engineering program with 8 semesters. The B.Tech. Program is offered at 5 IcfaiTech Campuses namely; Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Dehradun, Hyderbad and Jaipur. The B.Tech. Program provides cutting edge education to equip students with comprehensive and critical understanding of the respective fields of study.
The following are the branches of engineering that are offered at IcfaiTech:

- Biotechnology
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Electronics & Communications Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
5-Year Integrated Programs
IcfaiTech is in the process of developing 5-year integrated B.Tech.-M.Tech./MS Program and B.Tech.-MBA Program. These programs will be announced next year. Students of B.Tech. Program admitted during this year can exercise an option to pursue the 5-year integrated program of their choice at the end of the first year of the B.Tech. Program.
Students scoring the first rank and the second rank on completion of the B.Tech. Program will be awarded Gold and Silver medals respectively.
Students who pass with 60% and above aggregate in 10+2 or its equivalent with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and final year students awaiting examinations and results.
Admission Process
Admissions into the B.Tech. Program is through Admission Test for IcfaiTech (ATIT) 2007.

Academic Flexibilities
IcfaiTech allows several academic flexibilities in its educational process, some of which are given below. The decision regarding flexibilities are generally guided by the principle of merit and preference of the student and the facilities available at the Institute. The implementation of such decision will invariably take place along with registration at the beginning of an academic session for the continuing students.
- 5-year Integrated B.Tech. – M.Tech./ MS and B.Tech. – MBA Programs: Students admitted to the B.Tech. Program are allowed to exercise at the end of first year their option to pursue the 5-year integrated program simultaneously, so as to complete their B.Tech. as well as one of these Master-level programs in five years.
- Elective Courses: The academic structure of B.Tech. Program provides opportunity for students to choose a minimum of six elective courses on their own from across all the courses offered by the Institute. Through elective courses, the students may fulfill their ambitions of either gaining knowledge in fields other than their own discipline, or of gaining higher knowledge in their own field of specialization. Further, over and above the prescribed number of electives, students may also be allowed to take a maximum number of four Optional Electives on their own.
- Departure from normal pace: Students may be allowed to make a plan to graduate earlier or later than the time visualized in the normal situation. However, students going slow must ensure that they remain outside the provisions of the sanctions imposed by the Academic Counseling Committee.
- Repetition of courses: Students who are yet to complete the B.Tech. Program, are permitted to repeat a course, at their own option, with a view to improving their grades, provided the course is offered during the semester.
- Transfer: The structure allows transfer of students from one program to the other, as well as, from one center to the other at appropriate time.
“Internship Program at IcfaiTech is an institutionalized effort to build the crucial link between professional world and the academic environment.”