Chairman’s Message
Education Methodology
The B.Tech Program
Program Structure

The Admission Modalities are with reference to the four year full-time, B.Tech. Program of the IcfaiTech.
Selection to the B.Tech. Program is highly competitive. The goal of the Admissions Committee is to select applicants whose academic background, work experience, leadership abilities and communication skills meet the demands of the program and promise a successful career. Intelligent, ethical, articulate and active individuals are encouraged to pursue this program. The Admissions Committee evaluates applicants’ prospects as future leaders and their projected ability to succeed in and profit from the B.Tech. Program.
Eligibility Criteria
Pass with 60% and above aggregate at 10+2 or its equivalent with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and final year students awaiting examinations and results.
All applicants who are offered provisional admission will be required to produce the proof of having passed the qualifying examination (10+2 or equivalent) on or before September 1, 2007, failing which such provisional admission will stand cancelled.
The applicant should fulfill the minimum age requirements as prescribed by the respective board through which the applicant has appeared for the qualifying examination.
If an applicant is found ineligible even at a later date, after admission into the program, his/her admission will be cancelled. All admissions will be subject to verification of facts from the original certificates/documents of the students. The decision of the Admissions Committee regarding eligibility of any applicant shall be final.
Admission Criteria
The admissions are based on Admission Test for IcfaiTech (ATIT) 2007.
ATIT 2007 : The Admission Test for IcfaiTech (ATIT) will be conducted on May 5, 2007 (Saturday) from
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The Admission Test is based on AIEEE pattern with objective type questions in multiple choice format. The answers have to be given in the specially designed OMR answer sheet, which will be provided at the time of admission test. There will be 60 questions for each of the three subjects, namely; Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, as per the syllabus indicated on pages 8-10.
All applicants are advised to adhere to the last dates prescribed for the submission of the OMR Application Form so that necessary arrangements can be made in advance for conducting ATIT 2007.
Past Academic Record
While evaluating applicants for admission into the B.Tech. Program, due consideration is given to the applicant’s past academic achievements, apart from the marks/CGPA secured, various academic achievements and honors obtained by the applicant.
Submission of OMR Application Form
Applicants are required to complete the OMR Application Form and send it to the Admissions Officer, through speed post or courier, at the following address:
The Admissions Officer (ATIT 2007)
Campus Programs Admissions Department (CPAD),
45, Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500082. Tel : 040-23435328/29/30/45;
Fax : 040-23435347/48. E-mail: [email protected]
The last date for receiving the completed OMR application forms at the above address is April 21, 2007. The OMR Application Forms received after April 21, 2007 may not be considered. ATIT 2007 is scheduled on May 5, 2007 (Saturday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM. Applicants are required to report at 9.00 AM at the test center on the day of ATIT 2007.
Application available on Website
Applicants interested in applying for Admission Test for the B.Tech. Program can avail any one of the following online registration facilities:
Applicants can fill up the application form available at website, submit online and make payment of Rs.500 towards registration fee using credit card (Visa/MasterCard/Citibank Card) through secure internet payment gateway.
Download the Application Form, complete it and send it to The Admissions Officer, CPAD, 45, Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta, Hyderabad-500 082 along with a demand draft for Rs.500 towards registration fee (demand draft should be drawn in favor of “Icfai University Common Fund” payable at Hyderabad).
Click here for Online Registration
Last date for receiving the duly filled in application form is April 21, 2007.
Online Admit Card
All applicants who have submitted their filled in application forms for ATIT 2007 have to download online admit cards progressively from April 9, 2007 onwards at website, using the application number and date of birth as user name and password respectively. The online admit card will carry the photo, name, address, roll number of the applicant and the test date, timings and details of the test center. No hard copies of admit cards will be sent by post.
The admit card is not transferable to any other person and is valid only for the test centers for which it is issued. Impersonation is a punishable offence under law.
Test Centers
The applicants can choose any one of the 83 test centers available for ATIT. The list of all the test centers is provided in this application material (on page 12). Please note that requests for change of test center will not be entertained under any circumstances. In the event of not having enough seats at the allotted test center, applicants will be allotted the nearest alternative center, under intimation to them through E-mail. CPAD may add a few more test centers apart from the test centers given in this application material depending upon the required number of applicants appearing for ATIT 2007 from that center. The same will be intimated on the website for the benefit of applicants.
ATIT Results
Results of ATIT 2007 will be announced on the website at 8 PM (IST) on May 15, 2007.
The successful applicants will also be individually intimated through web/post.
Choice of IcfaiTech Center & Branch of Engineering (online submission) :
Applicants appearing for ATIT 2007 need to indicate/mark their six IcfaiTech Campus and Branch Preferences mandatorily in the OMR Application Form for ATIT 2007, which will be provided to them. (Please refer Item No.8 of Page 13 for guidelines to mark your IcfaiTech Campus/Branch Preferences).
On successfully qualifying ATIT 2007, the applicants will be intimated IcfaiTech Campus and the Branch of Engineering allotted to them through the Selection Letters, which will be dispatched from May 19, 2007 onwards.
The allotment of IcfaiTech Campus and Branch of Engineering is based on your performance in ATIT 2007 and your preferences for IcfaiTech Campus and Branch of Engineering. Hence, all the applicants are advised to mark their preferences carefully.
Submission of Attested Photocopies of Certificates
All successful applicants of ATIT 2007, will have to submit the attested photocopies of the certificates
(X and XII marksheets, Date of Birth Certificate and the Completion Certificate of the qualifying examination from the respective board), on July 31, 2007 at the respective IcfaiTech Campuses along with the original certificates which will be returned to you within a week’s time after due verification.
For final year (10+2) students: Final year students of (10+2) who did not receive the original certificates from the board have to submit their original certificates along with a set of photocopies of the same on or before September 1, 2007. Their admission will be confirmed only on receipt of the original certificates subject to their obtaining 60% or above aggregate in the qualifying examination.
All applicants are mandatorily required to indicate their E-mail ID, as all important information relating to
ATIT 2007 will be intimated to the applicants by E-mail.
Similarly all applicants are required to send their letters/ correspondence by E-mail only, to: [email protected].
Registration and Reporting date for Semester I
All students selected for the 4-Year B.Tech. Program of IcfaiTech are required to report for Semester I to respective IcfaiTech Campuses on July 31, 2007 (for addresses please refer page 15).
Reporting date for Semester I
All students selected for the 4-Year B.Tech. Program of IcfaiTech are required to report for Semester I to respective IcfaiTech centers on July 31, 2006.
Strict Ban against
All admissions are strictly based on merit only. There is no NRI quota or management quota or any other quota. Hence, the students and their parents are strictly advised not to resort to any canvassing, directly or indirectly, to support their applications. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited and will be considered as a serious disqualification.